วันศุกร์ที่ 30 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2555

Making of - Nikon D600 absolution movie

Making of - Nikon D600 absolution movie Tube. Duration : 7.00 Mins.

"Yeah right, two brothers ....... and a hellofa big budget production crew ... "! is one of the comments I just read below the released Nikon D600 D-Movie "CHASING THE LIGHT". I guess this is the best complement to me and my brother Salomon. The truth is, it simply was just the two of us filming this movie. It sure was not easy, especially as we covered such a broad area, focusing on landscapes and wildlife between California and Alaska, constantly looking for unique angles and special light. Throw in the timelapse at night and you can imagine how little sleep we got. Watch the Nikon D600 "Making of" movie to get some insight. If you have not seen "CHASING THE LIGHT" yet, the official Nikon D600 Movie go here: vimeo.com/49436646 Filmed by Florian & Salomon Schulz


Thanks To : I am DSLR | Digital Camera

