วันศุกร์ที่ 7 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2555

GoPro HD Hero2 vs. Drift HD

GoPro HD Hero2 vs. Drift HD Video Clips. Duration : 9.95 Mins.

Comparing the latest and greatest cameras from GoPro and Drift Innovations. This is NOT about the Drift Stealth HD170 or about the original GoPro Hero, there are already lots of videos on those cameras. This video is about the NEW GoPro HD Hero2 vs. the NEW Drift HD. You be the judge. Which do you prefer ?? I'll have a follow up vlog coming soon where I give my opinions, and list the pro's and con's of each camera. Background music credits: 1) We All Fall Down by Lorenzo's Music (www.lorenzosmusic.com) 2) Just Had To Let You Know by Lorenzo's Music (www.lorenzosmusic.com) 3) You Got To Feel It Tonight by Lorenzo's Music (www.lorenzosmusic.com) Royalty Free - Creative Commons - Commercial Use Allowed


Tags : I am DSLR | Digital Camera

