วันอาทิตย์ที่ 9 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2555


CANON 400D LAUNCH Video Clips. Duration : 14.80 Mins.

Brief: In store support for the launch of the 400D, an entry level DSLR. Target market: Amateur photographers looking to upgrade their camera. Critical Insight: Nick, 39, lives in Andover, Hampshire, UK. Married with a 10-year-old son, he has been into photography for about 2 years since buying a digital point and shoot camera. "I love taking all types of photographs; rural landscapes, portraits and I like to experiment but I find my current camera limits my creativity. I have thought about buying a Digital SLR but I'm still worried they are too complicated... I just want to get out there and get a great shot". Communications strategy: Welcome to the playground. Creative Innovation: Based on our research we found that the larger camera retailers also sold TV monitors, which were an excellent POS site - so long as the content is great. Kieran Dodds (www.kierandodds.com a friendly, approachable and down to earth professional photographer was cast to demonstrate the user friendliness of the 400D in an appealing and un-hurried series of films. ROI: We shifted Canon's trade marketing budget from paper heavy POS (posters, leaflets etc...) to digital moving image content. This innovation revolutionalised the Canon approach to trade marketing tools and yielded dramatically increased ROI by developing content that could be used throughout the marketing mix ie in-store, on-line, on-pack and in-box. To date the films have been viewed by over 15 million people and continue to be a ...


My Links : I am DSLR | Digital Camera

