www.learningdslrvideo.com A while back I did a BTS video of a camera crew using the RED Epic, after that I got an email from James Drake who is co-owner of 5kInsight.com, a local RED camera rental house in Denver, asking if I would like to see one and try it out. I was like, "Sure you bet, that would be fun". So we met up at Denver's Union Station a few days ago and James gave me a tutorial on how to shoot with it which you will see here, after that I got to shoot a video interview with James using his Epic. It's an interesting interview and tutorial because James relates a lot stuff on the RED Epic to shooting with a DSLR since he owns a Canon 5D as well. I think this tutorial is worth watching or at least bookmarking because some of you in the future will need to rent one of these to intermix footage with your DSLR or do an entire shoot with it when you client has the budget for it. Right now I'm in the process of taking the Epic's footage from the interview and learning the workflow so I can publish the interview pretty soon, so keep an eye out for it. I wanted say thanks to Patrick Downey who is James assistant that was nice enough to take my Canon T2i and film this tutorial for me. If you noticed the audio change during the tutorial, this because Patrick had to change cards and the second part of the audio was not done on a Magic Lantern card so you can heard the AGC in action.
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